Welcome back Seahawks!
My name is Jordy and I’m the new intrepid editor of the Voice. I’m excited to start this semester off right with a fresh new batch of reporters and a handful of seasoned pros. We’re going to be digging up all the freshest dirt on campus and in our extended community, covering everything from local politics and history to Seahawks sports, reviews and events.
We’re so lucky to have the institution of the Voice – founded in 1959, the same year as Cabrillo itself – and to be students at this awesome community college. There are so many great resources available to us here, and over the past year and a half I’ve taken advantage of as many as possible (in between working several different jobs). Through Cabrillo I’ve interned at the Homeless Garden Project, wrote my first short story, studied business, economics and cognitive psychology, taken the best yoga class I’ve ever had and pivoted into journalism. With a generous scholarship from Rowland and Patricia Rebele through the Cabrillo Foundation, I’ve been able to hit the ground running as a reporter at the Santa Cruz Sentinel and learn by doing.
I encourage every student to look into the resources offered at Cabrillo and beyond. Whether you need help with your classes, planning your degree, certificate or transfer, or deciding on a career path, there are incredible and talented people here to help. For assistance outside of school, Student Services has programs for healthcare, counseling, childcare, veterans services, financial aid and student employment.
And it doesn’t end there. Cabrillo has music, theater, dance, talks, clubs, sports, you name it. Want to gain experience in your field? Matthew Weis in the Internship and Work Experience Program has connections to opportunities throughout the Monterey Bay. Interested in the gig economy? Need help putting together your portfolio? ESL? There are programs for that, all you need to do is ask.
Try engaging with your school a little more this semester. Come see a show! Join a club! Enroll in a fitness class, you promised you’d exercise more after new years!
Have some free time? Support your school by taking another class! The more units we enroll in, the more money Cabrillo gets from the state to operate our school, the better teachers, classes and facilities we get.
And finally, let’s start this semester off with the intention to support each other as students and members of a great community. Last semester there was an awful and unprovoked attack on a student that shook everyone on campus, a violent incident ripped from headlines that we never thought we’d see so close to home, and one that I think could have been prevented had anyone listened to the threats of a very sick man. Everyone has the right to feel safe at school, and that means that it’s all of our responsibilities to look out for each other, to protect and listen to each other.
So with that in mind, we at the Voice want to hear from you!
Got a scoop for us? Want to enroll or contribute to the paper? Have an event to promote or business to advertise? Hit us up! Tell us what you want to know about Cabrillo, its students, teachers, administrators, staff and the wider community. We’re here to help.
Email us at [email protected]
Follow us @cabrillovoice on instagram and twitter