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Only you can save our Democracy

Whether you vote or not, your vote counts. Not voting counts just as much as voting, for that is your say. And when you choose not to vote, that is also tallied in the overall vote count. The people who did not turn out to vote, no matter the reason, added to the tabulation of the vote. It can be said that the election of the ‘baby-tyrant’ holding office now was elected largely by the same individuals that did not vote as the ones that did. This is especially true in the very small margins won by Donald Trump in the 2016 elections in Florida, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin by margins of less than 2%. According to CNN, of 126 million eligible voters, only 55% did so, while 45% of Americans did not.

We live in a participatory democracy, and when we don’t participate it makes as much or more of a difference than if we do. Without your vote, you not only give up your own power as a citizen, you empower others to act and make decisions about your community, state, and nation on your behalf without your consent.

As citizens we have a responsibility to participate in our democratic elections.  When you drop out, you are essentially giving up your power and your say in current events. Now more than ever your vote makes a difference. Do not doubt that for a moment, for the moments are ticking off, as the clock is winding down. The game is almost over. Our Democracy is almost over. We are in the fourth quarter, and our team is losing! Wake up citizens! Wake up! The Authoritarians are coming! Your government is under attack. The truth is under attack. Democracy is under attack. When the free press, the judiciary, and the Constitution are suppressed, an out of control Executive branch president will change the course of our American history and destiny.

Our federal government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). The President of the United States administers the executive branch of our government.

When the guy at the top manipulates and eliminates the inherent protections built into our federal government, our constitution and our country are under attack. It is clear now more than ever that our only hope is the ballot box, and when we don’t participate by voting we are acquiescing to a takeover of our democracy by a fascist cabal of demonic and dastardly cultists hell-bent on taking over our country. Wake up people. The baby monster is plowing through the field of freedoms we have innocently been enjoying without awareness of the clear and present danger we are now facing. If we do nothing, the events that have been set in motion will continue unabated until we arrive at a destination questioning ourselves as to how did we get here.

 Important reading and informative watching will illuminate the uninformed. Just as Mussolini informed Hitler, and Hitler has informed Trump. If you read Mein Kampf you will understand the Trump playbook, and if you watch the documentary film: Where’s My Roy Cohn, you will understand the mentorship Trump has mastered, and the dangerous time we are living in.

Finally, although California is a “Blue State”, the March primary ballot allows us to have a say in our local community and our state decisions, as well as the presidential election. This is the place to start. For starting here most directly affects us as an individual, as a city and county in Santa Cruz, and California as a bellwether state that informs the rest of the country and the world. You make a difference either way by your vote or no vote

To register to vote in the Presidential Primary Election Tuesday, March 3, 2020 visit the Santa Cruz County Elections Department at 701 Ocean Street, Room 310 open Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm (831)454-2060, or register online at

You are even eligible to become a Poll Worker and support the actual process by getting a firsthand experience of your democracy in action!