Flier of the Harm Reduction Halloween event at Cabrillo.
Are you planning on attending a party or hosting one this Halloween? Then, make sure to check out Cabrillo’s harm reduction party prep event before indulging in the festivities.
At the event, students can gather free goodies like Narcan, Fentanyl Test Strips, Xylazine Test Strips, Drink Test Coasters (tests for GHB and Ketamine), brochures on how to have a safe Halloween, condoms and other safe sex resources as well as a Flu Clinic with $3 flu shots.
“This event is hosted by Student Health Services, our team of Nurses, Mental Health Counselors, Outreach, and Student Ambassadors put it on. We also invite campus and community partners to table with us and share the resources they offer. This year, we will be joined by the COVID-19 Response & Compliance team, The NEST, the DREAM Resource Program (Watsonville Campus), Human Services (Aptos), as well as community partners like the Harm Reduction Coalition and Pajaro Valley Prevention (PVPSA),” wrote Claudia Peixoto, the student outreach and wellness coordinator, in an email.
“This event will be a great way for students to get the FREE resources they’ll need to stay safe and reduce the harm when heading out to celebrate Halloween, but Student Health Services offers all of these items at any time in the clinic,” she stated.
This event will be held over two days, one event being held on Oct. 22, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the Aptos cafeteria and on Oct. 23, in building A of the Watsonville Campus at the same time.
Along with the party prep supplies, there will be music, snacks and free punch available to anyone who decides to stop by.