After a student was slain at Aptos High School in August, Mr. B knew he didn’t want his son returning to a campus without police presence.
“I would not allow my 16-year-old son to attend Aptos High School without law enforcement on campus,” said Mr. B.
“A gangster is not a good guy. A gangster does not respect himself or others, A gangster does not know truth,” said Mr. B, 38, a “retired” gang member who is now a drug counselor and a Cabrillo College student. He agreed to be interviewed if his full name is not disclosed.After the boy was killed on campus, the Pajaro Valley Unified School District reinstated campus resource officers.
Mr. B left the active gang life in his early 30s, but he cannot distance himself entirely from gang affiliation.
Yes, for life. And we are not talking about your college fraternity, The Knights of Columbus or the Navy. You join a gang and you have signed up for a lifetime commitment.
Akin to any entrance or initiation, you may find yourself searching for acceptance, Mr. B said. “Whatever you idolize, you become. . . You are impacted by the way you were raised.”
You may be romanced by the idea of joining, he said, influenced by current gang members within your family and possible being forced in some way to have to join the gang. Whatever your entry, you are in for life.
Once you join, you will follow the leaders, or “shot-callers” and their rules and expectations, Mr. B said. Your every activity will be to push the envelope of being lawful, bring in money for yourself and the gang, and build your power base.
Survival will be your day-to-day ethos. Whether it be rival gangs, internal gang struggles, informants or the world of law enforcement, you are on your toes and looking over your shoulder 24/7, Mr. B said.
Romance may even cause a heightened danger, with alluring females from rival gangs becoming your love interest.
As you age, you may tire of “the life,” and become a mainstream law- abiding citizen or may continue criminal activity.
Whatever your case, you may have distanced yourself from the gang, yet you are still in it. You never know when a phone call of request or instruction may occur, said Mr. B.
You are affiliated with an organization which has no expiration date.